Decorative Landscape By Ellen Thesleff
We present today's work thanks to the Finnish National Gallery, where until March 27th, 2022, you can visit The Modern Woman, an exhibition that discusses the role and position of Finnish women artists in the decades of 20th-century Modernism. Ellen Thesleffs importance in Finnish Modernist art is undeniable. She is also one of the stars of the exhibition. Today you can enjoy her work in TristarNft. Ellen Thesleff was a cosmopolitan, self-confident innovator who mastered various techniques of painting and graphic art. Florence was her second home, but she spent summers at her studio villa, Casa Bianca, in Ruovesi, Finland. Thesleff was among the first Finnish artists to move from the dark, sparse palette of Symbolism to colorful Expressionism, which she adapted to her woodcuts. Late in her career, her expression approached abstraction and her color scale became dimmer. Besides color, light, and movement, the depiction of nature and natural experiences was a key theme in Thesleffs oeuvre.